David Dobs
WEBSITE: fineartamerica.com/profiles/david-dobs
I began painting in the late 1970s soon after starting my career as an electrical engineer in Minneapolis, Minnesota. My art education stems from continuing education evening courses in drawing and painting. I started out painting in acrylics but watercolor is now my media of choice. My favorite subjects include rustic landscapes, buildings and antique machinery. I thoroughly enjoyed mechanical drafting in high school back in 1968, so my interest in mechanical drafting has strongly influenced some of my work. I am currently experimenting with digital manipulation of my original watercolor art and photographs I have taken.
In Cumming, GA, I won awards for watercolor paintings at shows presented by the Sawnee Association of the Arts (SAA). I served as president of the SAA in 2016. I taught a 6-session course in watercolor painting for beginners under the auspices of the SAA. One of my paintings was selected for inclusion in a group exhibition at the State Capital, 'Art of Georgia II' - 2017.